

Test Your IQ

1 / 228

A: Have you finished ...... your room? B: Yes. I tidied It early in the morning ...... more time for my studies.

2 / 228

 Let's continue ....... We are almost there. Would you like ...... some water?

3 / 228

A: Jane is bad at ....... I think Joe should type our group assignment. He is fast. B: We can't make him ...... it                 because he said before he wouldn't do it.

4 / 228

Mary asked us how ...... after that plant and we suggested ...... some research on the Internet.

5 / 228

A: Bob is too inexperienced ...... that Job. B: But he still hopes ...... it.

6 / 228

How do you typically recharge your energy?

7 / 228

How do you typically approach meeting new people?

8 / 228

What do you prefer to do on a Friday night?

9 / 228

How do you typically recharge after a long day or week?

10 / 228

How do you feel about being the center of attention?

11 / 228

How do you typically handle conflict or difficult conversations?

12 / 228

How do you feel about meeting new people or attending social events?

13 / 228

Which of the following best describes your communication style?

14 / 228

In a social setting, would you rather:

15 / 228

Which of the following do you prefer in terms of communication?

16 / 228

In a meeting or group discussion, do you:

17 / 228

Which type of environment do you prefer in terms of work or study?

18 / 228

Do you feel energized or drained after socializing?

19 / 228

When making plans with friends or family, do you:

20 / 228

Do you prefer to have a few close friends or a large network of acquaintances?

21 / 228

Which type of activities do you prefer:

22 / 228

When you are feeling stressed, what do you prefer to do?

23 / 228

How do you feel about large social events like parties?

24 / 228

When working on a project, what do you prefer?

25 / 228

How do you feel about meeting new people?

26 / 228

When making a decision, what do you rely on?

27 / 228

When you are with a group of people, do you tend to:

28 / 228

How do you prefer to approach a problem?

29 / 228

When you meet someone new, what do you tend to focus on?

30 / 228

How do you prefer to approach a task?

31 / 228

How do you feel about being the center of attention?

32 / 228

Which of the following do you prefer in a social situation?

33 / 228

How do you feel about networking events?

34 / 228

Which of the following do you prefer in a group project?

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Which of the following do you prefer in a workplace?

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How do you usually feel about spending money?

67 / 228

When it comes to budgeting, how do you usually approach it?

68 / 228

How do you feel about taking risks with money?

69 / 228

How do you feel about debt?

70 / 228

How do you feel about making big purchases?

71 / 228

How do you feel about investing in the stock market?

72 / 228

How do you usually pay for things?

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How do you feel about starting your own business?

74 / 228

What is your attitude towards retirement savings?

75 / 228

How do you feel about taking risks with your money?

76 / 228

How often do you invest your money?

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How do you feel about taking financial risks?

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How often do you communicate with your partner or spouse about money?

79 / 228

How do you feel about financial planning?

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How do you typically make financial decisions?

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What is your attitude towards financial independence?

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When you receive your paycheck, what do you usually do with it?

83 / 228

How do you approach big purchases?

84 / 228

How do you feel about making investments in non-traditional assets like cryptocurrencies or real estate?

85 / 228

How do you feel about setting financial goals?

86 / 228

_______ longer do we expect politicians to tell us the truth.

87 / 228

She managed to finish the race in spite of ________ the blisters on her feet

88 / 228

_________ carefully, a hamster can be a good pet.

89 / 228

I’m certain that everything _________ all right in the end.

90 / 228

I _________ some of my old photos when I was clearing out the shed.

91 / 228

The thing _________, we haven't enough money for the tickets.

92 / 228

I don't think he __________ ready on time.

93 / 228

Allow me to be the first to _________ your stunning achievement.

94 / 228

Although well off the _________ track, the Hotel is nevertheless very easy to get to.

95 / 228

They were _________ to call earlier.

96 / 228

There were about five hundred _________ so loads to transport.

97 / 228

Most observers predict the bill won't see _________ light of day until at least January.

98 / 228

There was a problem with the cooker, but I _______ it now.

99 / 228

If I had known you were coming _____.

100 / 228

The conclusions of the climate deniers are _________ wrong.

101 / 228

By the time we _________ at the party, the band had stopped playing.

102 / 228

I think organising a conference _________ be an excellent idea

103 / 228

You won't forget to email those files, _______?

104 / 228

I must get _________ - I can't use the internet at all.

105 / 228

You need to work really ________ if you want to be a success.

106 / 228

He's been working there _______ ten years.

107 / 228

Argentina, ________ is well-known for its mountains, is a very popular with ski-tourists.

108 / 228

I'd rather you ________ to me like that in front of the customer.

109 / 228

This fish is _________ delicious.

110 / 228

I don't know if I can do it but I'll ________ a go.

111 / 228

The boys hurt ________ playing football in the park.

112 / 228

He ________ gone to work yesterday. John was there all day and nobody saw him.

113 / 228

Nothing happened at the meeting, ________ it?

114 / 228

The court ________ him to five years in prison.

115 / 228

He wouldn't be so successful now if he __________ so hard when he was at school.

116 / 228

Can you tell me when ________ leaving?

117 / 228

I can't find my keys ________.

118 / 228

_________ was at the party last night.

119 / 228

Did you remember _________ the parcels?

120 / 228

Having ________ about your suggestion for a few days, I've decided to support the project.

121 / 228

The fact of the _________ is we have a government that will do what it wants to do for the next two years.

122 / 228

She managed to pull the horse up is spite of ________ a broken rein.

123 / 228

The thing _________ , once a film gets this kind of apocalyptically awful publicity, how do you not release it and give the public a crack at it?

124 / 228

The fact of the _________ is we have a government that will do what it wants to do for the next two years.

125 / 228

Having ________ about your suggestion for a few days, I've decided to support the project.

126 / 228

Choose the correct question to the answer: Yes, I'm going to the Michigan state University.

127 / 228

Choose the correct option: She asked the shop assistant...

128 / 228

He told her that...

129 / 228

Choose the correct option.

130 / 228

Choose the correct option.

131 / 228

Choose the correct option.

132 / 228

We’ll finish this project soon. It won’t take ________ time.

133 / 228

Choose the correct option.

134 / 228

Which sentence is NOT possible?

135 / 228

Tom might ____ in his office at the moment.

136 / 228

What is the correct negative sentence?

137 / 228

Which question is correct?

138 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

139 / 228

Where ____ going to study?

140 / 228

Simon and Emma ____ going to get married.

141 / 228

In the year 3000, most people ____ in cities.

142 / 228

What is the meaning of the sentence below? When you arrive, I’ll be working in the garage.

143 / 228

What time ____ for the party?

144 / 228

____ you get home, we’ll be having dinner.

145 / 228

Alex ___ late. He’s stuck in traffic.

146 / 228

You shouldn’t take drinks into the art gallery. Drinks _________________  into the art gallery.

147 / 228

Choose the correct option.

148 / 228

Choose the right word: She is married and she has three__

149 / 228

Which word completes the sentence?
Police ___ been informed about the incident.

150 / 228

Which word or phrase CANNOT complete the sentence? Dogs ___ kept under control.

151 / 228

Mark was ___ to hospital in an ambulance.

152 / 228

The woman was bitten ___ a snake.

153 / 228

The equipment ___ delivered tomorrow afternoon.

154 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

155 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

156 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

157 / 228

We rented a flat _____ Hamburg.

158 / 228

Your wallet is right in front ______ you!

159 / 228

I live next ____ a railway line

160 / 228

My name is _____ the top of the list.

161 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

162 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

163 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

164 / 228

Which sentence is correct?

165 / 228

Both my mum ___ my dad drive.

166 / 228

Which question is correct?

167 / 228

Feel free to talk to ____ us.

168 / 228

____ boy brought a coat.

169 / 228

Neither of ___ likes rap music.

170 / 228

Neither my uncle ___ my aunt could come to the party.

171 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

172 / 228

Which sentence is correct?

173 / 228

Do ____ of you have any money I can borrow?

174 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

175 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

176 / 228

This music sounds _____!

177 / 228

We greeted our friends _____

178 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

179 / 228

We arrived at the airport too _____.

180 / 228

Mr. Townsend always works _____.

181 / 228

Which sentence is correct?

182 / 228

That girl ______ very strangely.

183 / 228

Which sentence is NOT correct?

184 / 228

A: Sally stopped ...... to the gym. B: I thought she enjoyed ...... time there.

185 / 228

 A: They offered ...... the machine for 2000 $. What do you think? B: I prefer ...... a brand new one.

186 / 228

A: You have promised ...... here on time, but you are late again. B: Sorry. I tried ...... even earlier, but there was             too much traffic.

187 / 228

A: How did he manage ...... the prison? B: I don't know, but obviously he really hated ...... there.

188 / 228

A: I want ...... something to you. B: Let me ....... You lost my book. didn't you? A: Yes. How do you know it? B:             Somebody brought it back to me.

189 / 228

 A: Don't be late for dinner, ...... ? B: OK. I will be home before S. We have guests, ...... ?

190 / 228

A: There is a new play at the theatre, ...... ? B: Yes, there is. You want to see it, ......?

191 / 228

A: .............have  you been here? B: For an hour.  A: You are waiting for someone, ...... ? B: No, I'm not.

192 / 228

A: ...... did you see your dietician last summer? B: Only twice.

193 / 228

A: ...... caused the accident? B: I don't know. It
wasn't serious, ......?

194 / 228

A: ...... ? B: No, I don't.

195 / 228

A: Let's eat out tonight,.......? B: You got your paycheque today,........? A: You are right.

196 / 228

This is a good film, ......?

197 / 228

Henry has never left his hometown, ......?

198 / 228

A: ...... ? B: Mexico.

199 / 228

A: ...... ? B: No, you haven't.

200 / 228

 A: You are a nurse, ...... ? B: I am. Please, don't disturb me now, ......?

201 / 228

 A:................? B: He sent them to Susie.

202 / 228

A:.................? B: Joey cut the paper.

203 / 228

A: ...... emails have we received from customers? B: Fifty-nine

204 / 228

A: ...... glass is this? B: It's Brad's.

205 / 228

The little girl can hear us,......?

206 / 228

A: ...... ? B: No, I haven't

207 / 228

A: ...... I B: Yes, I am.

208 / 228

 A: ...... can solve this problem? B: Bob.

209 / 228

_______ of the five girls has short black hair. _______ of them have long brown hair.

210 / 228

He wrote hundreds of poems, but he published  _______ them.

211 / 228

_______ the apples in the basket are rotten, so I can use _______ them for the pie.

212 / 228

 _______ the paintings are exceptionally beautiful, but I love _______ them.

213 / 228

Kyle has tried many shoes on for the last two hours, but _______ of them fit him.

214 / 228

She has got lots of books in her bookcase, and she has read _______ them.

215 / 228

A: Are _______ the cupboards empty? B: No, Only the one on the left is empty. There are plates inside the                 other one.

216 / 228

There are two slices of cake left on the plate. I'll  eat _______ them. You can have them.

217 / 228

 Samuel bought some sweets from the shop, and he ate ___ of them in 2 hours.

218 / 228

A: Which of the last 2 episodes did you like? B: ___ of them. I think ___ of them were very boring.

219 / 228

He gave me two music CDs, but I liked ___ of them.

220 / 228

Linda will invite ___ her neighbors over for dinner. She thinks there will be more than fifteen people.

221 / 228

Ryan bought two blankets yesterday and he has already washed ___ them.

222 / 228

 ___ the eleven footballers in the team were happy about the final score ___ of them were sad.

223 / 228

  Nancy and Jenny are 27  years old and they are ___ bankers

224 / 228

A: ___ the pancakes are burnt. B: Still, Hillary has eaten five of them

225 / 228

 Hans and Klaus are from Germany, and ____ them are from the city of Frankfurt.

226 / 228

A: I have got two dictionaries, but ___ of them include the meaning of that word in it. B: You can look it up in an online dictionary then.

227 / 228

A: There are four radios in the attic. B: Yes, but ___ of them work. They are ___ broken.

228 / 228

Aaron and Milan are friends and ___ of them go to the same school. They are classmates, too.
